Thursday, August 14, 2008

boring post..

Yesterday me and my mom went to a high school....why? because we registered me to go... today was my first day... it was good.. despite the fact i have NO friends there...and i can only wear gray denim, black, white, or khaki.... it was supposed to be so i can get a year done in half the time.. so we'll see how long I'll be there.... I'll be there at least for one semester ( regular school semester).. which there is two semesters...kind of.. I'm happy to be back in school.. with homework and interacting with real people sitting in front of me... although the classes are like way easy and half the kids are really noisy... and in each class it's me and two other white people... in one class i think it's three other white people... but.. I only have three classes and there each one and a half hour long.. with a 45 minute lunch... so it starts at 8 and I get done at 1:10.. It's AWESOME!!! Anywho... it's lots of fun and there is only a tiny bit of homework.. so it's all good.. anyway i know this was boring but I'll try to post again soon about more exciting things... so happy thursday!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay so..Saturday at12:15 ish we got our new vampire book.. we went on friday night at like 11 and waited like an hour.. with like only ten other people waiting it hits12:01 and we are all like "okay where are the people with the books??" then about 14 minutes later one of the workers comes and tells one of the girls that the books are back in the electronics... so we all start going back there..we got there and we couldn't find them..because they were behind the registers back we got it and the whole way home i was totally excited...and when i got home i jumped into the book and didn't stop reading until like three hours or 200ish pages i got up turned off the light..layed there for like ten back up turned the light back on and kept reading...finally at like 10:30 last night I finsihed it!!! i'm soo excited.. no more worrying about Vampires and werewolves.. to those of you reading this book.. happy reading... but if you're not then... happy monday!