First off, can you see ANYTHING wrong with this picture...??

If you said the ninety stacked quiktrip're right..
You see.. my dad had an idea that we could use them..which ok, I can understand...but to keep them up on the cupboards isn't going to be the easiest way to dispense...

Anyhow, on Friday Mom decided to pickle beets... and carrots..she said she had to make them look cool/pretty..

Which I have to say that they did come out looking pretty cool..

And then me, Kelsie, and Preston made hats..

This is my finished product... you could've gotten it on etsy... but Yee bought already soo... I'm in the process of making more..

So that's been my VERY VERY exciting week..
keke i bought it :) lol hopefully it fits LOL it's really cute leann ^^ had to get it =P
OH that is sooo funny. What's next with dad.?? lol
THat beanie is wicked cute!!
haha i wanted to support u guys =P plus becky said she would give me "discount" and return my shipping fee lol and i really like it ^^ it's really cute we just have to see if it fits when i come over oh yeah and i bought a bunch of scrapbook stuff yesterday :) so we will have fun next week when i come over =P
i noticed the cups... that's hillarious. your dad cracks me up! that's funny that preston was helping you make hats. lol it turned out SO cute! lucky yee... i bet it will look so cute on her. keep up with the awesome stuff you are all making
haha. i was gonna tell you to go check that place out! i wanted to go too. i cant wait to see what you got!! :) see ya tomorow..sometime!..with my hubby..:( lol!
how funny. but where else could he store them that is tall enough to fit that's a perfect fit! :)
your pickled beets with lemon slices does look so cute. and i love the beanie. make some more...i want one for my eden!
actually, i'd like one that is a cream/offwhite color...all of it (even the flower & leaf) so that is would match everything! :) and you should do a scarf to match with the little flowers scattered on it :)
Okay...SUPER cute hat. YOU creative crafty girl. That is so dang cute. And as for the quick trip cups..that is hilarious...Carey and I have always laughed at just how cheap both our dads are. TOo fUnNy!
Fun that you started a blog... :)
I love the hat lanny! thanks soo much! i want to wear it to work now but i can't cuz it's super hot out :( but i will definitely wear it to school during the winter! i even took a picture of me wearing it and it will be my profile picture :) haha thanks soo much ill be buying more of these hats later =P sooo get ready! haha ;)
okay i'm ready for a new post! are you done with the pink/blackbeanie yet??? i think its so cute. well, i SHOULD see ya later today..we'll hit up joanns, fashion dot com, and scrapbooks etc. haha. i have a long list of stuff!!
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