Monday, August 4, 2008


Okay so..Saturday at12:15 ish we got our new vampire book.. we went on friday night at like 11 and waited like an hour.. with like only ten other people waiting it hits12:01 and we are all like "okay where are the people with the books??" then about 14 minutes later one of the workers comes and tells one of the girls that the books are back in the electronics... so we all start going back there..we got there and we couldn't find them..because they were behind the registers back we got it and the whole way home i was totally excited...and when i got home i jumped into the book and didn't stop reading until like three hours or 200ish pages i got up turned off the light..layed there for like ten back up turned the light back on and kept reading...finally at like 10:30 last night I finsihed it!!! i'm soo excited.. no more worrying about Vampires and werewolves.. to those of you reading this book.. happy reading... but if you're not then... happy monday!


potsy said...


Becky said...

girl you crazy...and whos lonely paul?? lol...hmmm

Brynn P. said...

I miss you lanny fanny!!!!1 I want to cry i miss you so much!! lovin your brows by the way!

careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...


careyttops or katelyn's kid kitchen said...

this is actually carey-

still haven't gotten my book- ERRRR! really wish I had just gone out and bought it instead of preordering mine online!! I was so hoping it was going to come today- nope! ERRRRR!

can't wait to read it & then talk to mom about it.

Becky said...

hey i found your fabric on etsy. it's only 2something for shipping...but like 8something a yard still..but shiping is cheaper. and i have a pic of the border fabric i found at queeen creek walmart for 2dollars a yard...i dont know if youll like it though...but ya. see ya sometime??

Nanna said...

Although I'm not reading that book, I can totally understand you can't stop reading once you start! Especially the one you've been waiting for! I miss reading books...

Brynn P. said...

yeah. tell mom I want a copy! is it a long or short blessing dress?

Luci-lou said...

Leann!! Have you finished the book? I totally did what you did...I stopped reading, turned off the light, layed their for awhile and then got back up and started reading again. Lol. You're too cute!!

Becky said...


Guthrie's said...

I LOVE YOUR EYES! They are so pretty! Just look at that picture - all that I see is the EYES! You are so cute Leann.